25GAOC3M-SCO-SPA-IO SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 3m, Cisco / Palo Alto Compatible
25GAOC7M-SCO-SDL-IO SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 7m, Cisco/Dell Compatible
CAB-S-S-25G-1.5M SFP28, Direct Attach Twinax Cable, Passive, 1.5m, Arista CAB-S-S-25G-1.5M Compatible
CAB-S-S-25G-2.5M SFP28, Direct Attach Twinax Cable, Passive, 2.5m, Arista CAB-S-S-25G-2.5M Compatible
E25G-SFP28-TWX-P-00501 SFP28, Direct Attach Twinax Cable, Passive, 0.5m, Brocade/Foundry E25G-SFP28-TWX-P-00501 Compatible
E25G-SFP28-TWX-P-0101 SFP28, Direct Attach Twinax Cable, Passive, 1m, Brocade/Foundry E25G-SFP28-TWX-P-0101 Compatible
E25G-SFP28-TWX-P-0301 SFP28, Direct Attach Twinax Cable, Passive, 3m, Brocade/Foundry E25G-SFP28-TWX-P-0301 Compatible
JNP-25G-AOC-10M SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 10m, Juniper JNP-25G-AOC-10M Compatible
JNP-25G-AOC-1M SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 1m, Juniper JNP-25G-AOC-1M Compatible
JNP-25G-AOC-2M SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 2m, Juniper JNP-25G-AOC-2M Compatible
JNP-25G-AOC-3M SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 3m, Juniper JNP-25G-AOC-3M Compatible
JNP-25G-AOC-5M SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 5m, Juniper JNP-25G-AOC-5M Compatible
JNP-25G-AOC-7M SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 7m, Juniper JNP-25G-AOC-7M Compatible
JNP-SFP-25G-DAC-1M SFP28, Direct Attach Twinax Cable, Passive, 1m, Juniper JNP-SFP-25G-DAC-1M Compatible
JNP-SFP-25G-DAC-3M SFP28, Direct Attach Twinax Cable, Passive, 3m, Juniper JNP-SFP-25G-DAC-3M Compatible
MCP2M00-A002E30N SFP28, Direct Attach Twinax Cable, Passive, 2m, Mellanox MCP2M00-A002E30N Compatible
MCP2M00-A003E26N SFP28, Direct Attach Twinax Cable, Passive, 3m, Mellanox MCP2M00-A003E26N Compatible
MCP2M00-A02AE30L SFP28, Direct Attach Twinax Cable, Passive, 2.5m, Mellanox MCP2M00-A02AE30L Compatible
MFA2P10-A030 SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 30m, Mellanox MFA2P10-A030 Compatible
SFP-25G-AOC10M SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 10m, Cisco SFP-25G-AOC10M Compatible
SFP-25G-AOC2M SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 2m, Cisco SFP-25G-AOC2M Compatible
SFP-25G-AOC3M SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 3m, Cisco SFP-25G-AOC3M Compatible
SFP-25G-AOC3M SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 4m, Cisco SFP-25G-AOC3M_4m Compatible
SFP-25G-AOC5M SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 5m, Cisco SFP-25G-AOC5M Compatible
SFP25G-AOC33M-IO SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 33m, MSA Compatible
UACC-DAC-SFP28-3M SFP28, Direct Attach Twinax Cable, Passive, 3m, Ubiquiti Networks UACC-DAC-SFP28-3M Compatible
X66240A-7 SFP28, Active OM-3 Optical Cable to SFP28, 850nm SR MMF, 25G DDM 7m, NetApp X66240A-7 Compatible