Fiber Networking: Can Your Existing Fiber Be Doing More? Integra Optics 04.16.20 If you’re trying to make the most of existing fiber, you’ve probably thought about adding multiple wavelengths across individual fibers. Whether you have a PON network that could really use more bandwidth, or some CWDM channels on a path that you wish was doing more, understanding the wave-space different standards take up is crucial. The spectrum is divided into bands. CWDM ranges across the O, E, S, C, and L bands (1260nm to 1620nm), while DWDM is contained mostly in the C-Band. PON implementations have many variations and applications. Different PON revisions use space in different bands and, interestingly, many PON implementations were planned to supersede earlier versions while coexisting on the same, single fiber. When looking to upgrade, this is great news! A key element in all of this is understanding which PONs use which wavelengths (confusing, no?!). This is why we’ve developed this Wavelength Deployment Chart to make life easier! Obviously your network is probably not going to have ALL of these deployed at once on a single fiber, however, by using passive filters, it may allow some CWDM or DWDM channels to run alongside your existing PON traffic! It’s all about making the absolute most of what you’ve got. Integra Optics has the supply of passive filters, optical and attached transceivers, Smart Coder options, and fiber jumpers that you need! Talk to an optics expert for more tips as you plan for network reorganization and growth needs. Share This: