Cost of Failure Calculator – Provider

Once you understand your true cost of failure, it’s easy to see that preventive measures are the key to protecting your business. Use the cost of failure calculator below to understand the value of quality optics in hard dollars, which compares average industry failure rates with Integra’s failure rate of less than .001 percent.

Fill in your estimated number of facilities, quantity of optics per facility, and let the calculator do the rest! The calculator assumes a conservative optics failure rate of two percent, and that the cost of an average truck roll is $1,200. Both assumptions come directly from customer feedback; we’ve given the option to edit either based on knowledge of your own business.

Remember, these calculations don’t take into account every hard cost, nor do they include any soft costs such as erosion of business and reputation. Use these results as a starting point to perform your own internal calculations and determine your organization’s true cost of downtime.

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Cost of Failure Calculator – Provider

Typical Optics Provider (2% Annual Failure Rate)
Number of Facilities
Quantity of optics per Facility
Total Optics (Facilities x Quantity)
Annual failure rate
Optics failures per year
Number of truck rolls to service
Cost per truck roll
Estimated cost to support optics failures
Integra Optics (.001% Annual Failure Rate)
Number of Facilities
Quantity of optics per Facility
Total Optics (Facilities x Quantity)
Annual failure rate
Optics failures per year
Number of truck rolls to service
Cost per truck roll
Estimated cost to support optics failures
Potential Annual Savings with Integra Optics

Cost of Failure Calculator

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