The WDM offerings in SFP28 have hit the market! Integra Optics 09.26.22 Hot on the heels of our introduction to the 80km SFP28 ZR 25G optics, there’s even more news about the SFP28 format! For MSOs and Telcos Wavelength Division Muliplexing (WDM) is well known. Course Wavelength Division Multiplexing or CWDM offers up to 18 channels over a fiber pair while Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) can offer an excess of 40 channels. There are so many ways that passive optical filters can be used to make the most of the existing fiber. Breaking News from Integra Optics: the WDM offerings in SFP28 are coming to market! Right now, 10km and 20km CWDM SFP28 Optics are available in enough channels to start utilizing them as an upgrade path (see table below) with the complete channel map under industry development CWDM SFP28 25G ChannelsWavelengthRate10km20km1271nmSFP28 25G/10GECICI1291nmSFP28 25G/10GECICI1311nmSFP28 25G/10GECICI1331nmSFP28 25G/10GECICI1351nmSFP28 25G/10GECIC1371nmSFP28 25G/10GECIC1391nmSFP28 25G/10GE––1411nmSFP28 25G/10GE––1431nmSFP28 25G/10GE––1451nmSFP28 25G/10GE––1471nmSFP28 25G/10GECICI1491nmSFP28 25G/10GECICI1511nmSFP28 25G/10GECI–1531nmSFP28 25G/10GECI–1551nmSFP28 25G/10GECI–1571nmSFP28 25G/10GECI–1591nmSFP28 25G/10GE––1611nmSFP28 25G/10GE–– These optics will work with your current passive filters that are currently carrying 10G CWDM channels, making incremental upgrades simple. Each of these offerings are available in C-Temp (0~70c) and I-Temp (-40 ~ 85c) And in the matter of some serious bandwidth potential, there’s a full complement of DWDM SFP28s at 10km. ChannelRate10kmChannelRate10km21SFP28 25G DWDMCI41SFP28 25G DWDMCI22SFP28 25G DWDMCI42SFP28 25G DWDMCI23SFP28 25G DWDMCI43SFP28 25G DWDMCI24SFP28 25G DWDMCI44SFP28 25G DWDMCI25SFP28 25G DWDMCI45SFP28 25G DWDMCI26SFP28 25G DWDMCI46SFP28 25G DWDMCI27SFP28 25G DWDMCI47SFP28 25G DWDMCI28SFP28 25G DWDMCI48SFP28 25G DWDMCI29SFP28 25G DWDMCI49SFP28 25G DWDMCI30SFP28 25G DWDMCI50SFP28 25G DWDMCI31SFP28 25G DWDMCI51SFP28 25G DWDMCI32SFP28 25G DWDMCI52SFP28 25G DWDMCI33SFP28 25G DWDMCI53SFP28 25G DWDMCI34SFP28 25G DWDMCI54SFP28 25G DWDMCI35SFP28 25G DWDMCI55SFP28 25G DWDMCI36SFP28 25G DWDMCI56SFP28 25G DWDMCI37SFP28 25G DWDMCI57SFP28 25G DWDMCI38SFP28 25G DWDMCI58SFP28 25G DWDMCI39SFP28 25G DWDMCI59SFP28 25G DWDMCI40SFP28 25G DWDMCI60SFP28 25G DWDMCI These channels are versatile and available in commercial and industrial temperature ratings as well! The icing on the DWDM cake is that the lineup includes the I-Temp DWDM SFP28 25G Tunable transceiver that covers channels 14 through 61 up to 20km, making it an easy sparing solution and the most nimble deployment stock. If you have local distributions of cell towers, POPs, or hubs these are a dream come true as a way to easily upgrade to more than double the bandwidth of your 10G network links. This is just another way that SFP28 as moving to challenge the SFP+ for the title of most prolific format! Share This: